Upcoming Turnouts

Worthy Sir Knights,

We have a couple of upcoming turnouts I would like to make sure you are aware of. The first is this coming Sunday, August the 12th. It is for the Mayfield Hts Community Unity Days Parade. Turnout time will be noon, and the parade will step-off at 1pm. We will assemble at The Greens of Lyndhurst. There will be transportation from Golden Gate Plaza to the Greens if you wish to park there, and vice-versa. Dr. Carmen Centanni from Moses Cleaveland Assembly will be the commander in charge. The next turnout will be on Wednesday August 15th, down in Little Italy for The Feast of the Assumption. Turnout for mass will be at 9:00am. Mass will begin at 10:00am, and the procession will start shortly thereafter mass has concluded. I would suggest getting to this turnout early as you well know, parking in Little Italy can be challenging.

If you have any questions regarding these two turnouts, please let me know.


Brandon D. Robinson, PFN
Faithful Purser – Archbishop Paul J. Hallinan Assembly 1767
Diocesan Marshal – Ohio District One